Transmission on LibreElec

 Running Transmission on LibreElec

Libreelect delivers a robust platform for media playback but the built-in networking makes it a strong NAS OS and with the addition of USB and Gigabit ethernet in the RPi4 it can be used as a low-cost NAS,

Unlike commercial solutions that need special power supplies and parts, RPi4 is low power cost and simple to build.

Recommended Setup (for 24x7x365 operation)

  1. Boot from SSD, not SD card/speed reliability 
  2. Ensure all media is stored on network disks (HD are fine)
  3. Mount network drives as permanent SMB locations

High Level

  1. Install LibreElec as normal set-up and test
  2. Add the repository
  3. Add docker 
  4. Set up Transmission using
  5. Add cron jobs (local or remote) to remove completed torrents, move files etc